for Teens


Which is best? Invisalign or braces?

when to choose Invisalign

The best option primarily depends on your particular orthodontic needs, but many other factors help our doctors recommend which appliance is best for you. In many cases, either braces or clear aligners will achieve the same desired result in the same amount of time. Here are some situations where clear aligner treatment would be best:

  • Teens who play sports where teeth are likely to get bumped. Invisalign is safer and more comfortable for athletes involved in wrestling, basketball, soccer, and football, etc. Mouthguards are always recommended with braces.

  • Teens who play instruments such as the clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, and our favorite- the tuba! It is possible to play these instruments with braces, but it will take time for lips to adapt, and you may need lots of wax (we supply as much as you need).

  • Teens who can’t imagine life without popcorn and gum. Braces require careful eating to avoid unwanted loose brackets and pokey wires. Invisalign allows you to eat anything you want- as long as you put your aligners back in after brushing and meals.

  • Teens who have special events coming up like driver license photos, senior pictures, pageants, etc.

  • Teens with very busy schedules and strenuous class loads. Invisalign treatment plans require fewer appointments at longer intervals… and flossing also takes less time!

  • Teens who are responsible, organized, and highly driven to succeed with clear aligners. Clear aligners are a sophisticated treatment option only offered to teens who commit to wearing them 22 hours a day.

when to choose Braces

There are a few times when braces may be the only appliance capable of achieving the ideal result. These include teens with certain impacted teeth, skeletal growth problems requiring orthopedic correction, closure of some extraction spaces, and inability or unwillingness to wear aligners.

At Carson City Orthodontics, we use the most technologically advanced and comfortable braces available. Our philosophy is to always use gentle forces for safety, comfort, and effectiveness. Come see Dr. Melissa, Dr. Paul, Dr. Donna, and your smile team to decide which option is best for you.


Smiling CCO Invisalign Teen Patients:

Kind, Fun, Grateful, Original!


Invisalign Information Videos

How does Invisalign work?

How do I take care of my Invisalign?

How do I wear rubber bands with my Invisalign?